Rolling a Kayak, the movie!

Bryan spent many hours with iMovie putting this together. Thanks, mister:

Intel is making my site more interesting by sponsoring my Mighty Life List. They’re the reason I was able to do this, and so I like them very much. Thanks, Intel.

30 thoughts on “Rolling a Kayak, the movie!

  1. I can easily say that rolling a kayak or anything of that nature is NOT on my life list. I don’t do extreme water anything. I love the water, but I’m more of a lazy river kind of girl.


  2. I’m dying to know whether or not every muscle in your back (shoulders? abs? chest? what do you use, exactly, to not panic and roll yourself upright?) was sore the next day.


  3. I was thinking about how my neck started hurting, just watching the video…then I almost started crying at the end, when you said, “Well, that was weird!”


  4. I remember my first roll. It took so long for me to figure it out. When I FINALLY got back up it was one of the best feelings EVER!



  5. i tried kayaking for the first time this summer and it is harder than it looks. plus the instructors scared the crap out of me before i started. they didn’t have a lot of faith in me – maybe because i don’t look athletic. i couldn’t figure out what you were talking about with the paddle in the other post. thanks for the video!

    good job sticking with it. it looks horrifying.


  6. Too freaky!! The clip took awhile to load so on two attempts you were underwater long enough to kill yourself. And the assistants just stood there, frozen like!! ;(

    Way to go gal, would love to kayak!


  7. oh myyyyyyy goooddnessssss that FIRST take where the two other women just stood there while you were upside down in the water…. aiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

    that would have been my first and last attempt – you ROCK!!


  8. I always wanted to learn to do this and never got around to it, even though my college had regular swimming pool clinics in how to roll. I just added it to my list. Great job!


  9. Good for you for not panicking. I would have scratched someone’s eyes out from the fear. Cannot wait until you do the ice hotel thing…that is also in my list and definitely will be checking that adventure out.


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